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浅谈对 Winston W. Royce的"瀑布"开发模型的误解

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你一定知道瀑布开发模型,也一定知道瀑布开发模型在当代敏捷盛行的背景下被广为诟病甚至被抛弃,几秒钟内你就能想到几点瀑布开发方法的缺点。但事实上瀑布真的是我们想象中的那么不堪吗?今天这篇文章我们将尝试对Winston W. Royce博士在 1970 年发表的《管理大型软件系统的开发》论文提出的"瀑布开发"(事实上Winston W. Royce并未给这种开发方法进行命名)进行解读,对瀑布进行逐本溯源,加深我们对瀑布模型发展的理解。



Dr. Winston W. Royce-1970




I am going to describe my personal views about managing large software developments. I have had various assignments during the past nine years, mostly concerned with the development of software packages for spacecraft mission planning, commanding and post-flight analysis. ln these assiqnments i have experienced different degrees of success with respect to arriving at an operational state, on-time, and within costs. I have become prejudiced by my experiences and I am going to relate some of these prejudices in this presentation.




There are two essential steps common to all computer program developments, regardless of size or complexity. There is first an analysis step, followed second by a coding step as depicted in Figure 1. This sort of very simple implementation concept is in fact all that is required if the effort is sufficiently small and if the final product is to be operated by those who built it – as is typically done with computer programs for internal use. It is also the kind of development effort for which most customers are happy to pay, since both steps involve genuinely creative work which directly contributes to the usefulness of the final product. An implementation plan to manufacture larger software systems, and keyed only to these steps. however, is doomed to failure. Many additional development steps are required, none contribute as directly to the final product as analysis and coding, and all drive up the development costs, Customer personnel typically would rather not pay for them, and development personnel would rather not implement them, The prime function of management is to sell these concepts to both groups and then enforce compliance on the part of development personnel.



A more grandiose approach to software development is illustrated in Figure 2, The analysis and coding steps are still in the picture, but they are preceded by two levels of requirements analysis, are separated by aprogram desin step, and followed by a testing step. These additions are treated separately from analysis and coding because they are distinctly different in the way they are executed. They must be planned and staffed differently for best utilization of programn resources.



Figure 3 portrays the iterative relationship between successive development phases for this scheme. The ordering of steps is based on the following concept: that as each step progresses and the design is further detailed, there is an iteration with the preceding and succeeding steps but rarely with the more remote steps in the sequence. The virtue of all of this is that as the design proceeds, the change process is scoped down to manageable limits. At any point in the design process after the requirements analysis is completed, there exists a firm and closeup, moving baseline to which to return in the event of unforeseen design difficulties. What we have is an effective fallback position that tends to maximize the extent of early work that is salvageable and preserved.



I believe in this concept, but the implementation described above is risky and invites failure. The problem is illustrated in Figure 4. The testing phase, which occurs at the end of the development cycle, is the first event for which timing, storage, input/output transfers, etc., are experienced as distinguished from analyzed. These phenomena are not precisely analyzable. They are not the solutions to the standard partial differential equations of mathematical physics, for instance. Yet if these phenomena fail to satisfy the various external constraints, then invariably a major redesign is required. A simple octal patch or redo of some isolated code will not fix these kinds of difficulties. The required design changes are likely to be so disruptive that the software requirements upon which the design is based and which provide the rationale for everything are violated. Either the requirements must be modified, or a substantial change in the design is required. In effect, the development process has returned to the origin, and one can expect up to a 100-percent overrun in schedule and/or costs.




One might note that there has been a skipping over of the analysis and code phases. One cannot, of course, produce software without these steps, but generally these phases are managed with relative ease and have little impact on requirements, design, and testing. In my experience, there are whole departments consumed with the analysis of orbit mechanics, spacecraft attitude determination, mathematical optimization of payload activity, and so forth. But when these departments have completed their difficult and complex work, the resultant program steps involve a few lines of serial arithmetic code. If in the execution of their difficult and complex work the analysts have made a mistake, the correction is invariably implemented by a minor change in the code with no disruptive feedback into the other development bases.

However, I believe the illustrated approach to be fundamentally sound. The remainder of this discussion presents five additional features that must be added to this basic approach to eliminate most of the development risks.




  1. 由程序设计师开始设计流程,而不是分析师或程序员。
  2. 设计、定义和分配数据处理模式,即使有可能出错也要分配处理功能,设计数据库,定义数据库处理,分配执行时序,定义与操作系统的接口和处理模式,描述输入和输出处理,并定义初步操作程序。
  3. 编写一个可理解、信息丰富且当前的概述文档。每个工作者都必须对系统有基本的了解。至少有一个人必须对系统有深入的了解,这部分来自于必须编写概述文档。


The first step towards a fix is illustrated in Figure 5. A preliminary program design phase has been inserted between the software requirements generation phase and the analysis phase. This procedure can be criticized on the basis that the program designer is forced to design in the relative vacuum of initial software requirements without any existing analysis. As a result, his preliminary design may be substantially in error as compared to his design if he were to wait until the analysis was complete. This criticism is correct but it misses the point. By this technique, the program designer assures that the software will not fail because of storage, timing, and data flux reasons. As the analysis proceeds in the succeeding phase, the program designer must impose on the analyst the storage, timing, and operational constraints in such a way that he senses the consequences. When he justifiably requires more of this kind of resource in order to implement his equations, it must be simultaneously snatched from his analyst compatriots. In this way, all the analysts and all the program designers will contribute to a meaningful design process which will culminate in the proper allocation of execution time and storage resources. If the total resources to be applied are insufficient or if the embryo operational design is wrong, it will be recognized at this earlier stage, and the iteration with requirements and preliminary design can be redone before final design, coding, and test commence.

How is this procedure implemented? The following steps are required:

  1. Begin the design process with program designers, not analysts or programmers.
  2. Design, define, and allocate the data processing modes, even at the risk of being wrong. Allocate processing functions, design the database, define database processing, allocate execution time, define interfaces and processing modes with the operating system, describe input and output processing, and define preliminary operating procedures.
  3. Write an overview document that is understandable, informative, and current. Each and every worker must have an elemental understanding of the system. At least one person must have a deep understanding of the system, which comes partially from having had to write an overview document.





  1. 每个设计师都必须与接口设计师、管理层以及可能的客户进行沟通。口头记录过于抽象,不能为接口或管理决策提供足够的依据。一份可接受的书面描述迫使设计师采取明确的立场,并提供切实的完成证据。它阻止设计师在数月之后继续掩藏在“我已经完成了90%”的症候群背后。

  2. 在软件开发的早期阶段,文档就是规格说明,也是设计。在编码开始之前,这三个名词(文档、规格说明、设计)表示同一件事。如果文档不好,设计也不好。如果文档还不存在,那么设计也还不存在,只有人们在思考和讨论设计,这对一定有一定的价值,但不多。

  3. 良好文档的真正货币价值在开发过程中的后续阶段开始,在测试阶段继续,并持续到运维和重设计阶段。文档的价值可以通过以下三种具体而切实的情况来描述,这是每个项目经理都会面临的情况:

    a) 在测试阶段,有了良好的文档,管理者可以调度成员集中精力修复程序中的错误。没有良好的文档,每个错误,无论大小,都可能由制造这个错误的人来分析,因为他是唯一了解该程序编码的人。

    b) 在运营阶段,有了良好的文档,管理者可以使用以运营为导向的人员来操作程序,从而更好、更便宜地完成工作。没有良好的文档,软件必须由构建它的人员来操作。但是通常这些人对运营并不感兴趣,不如运营为导向的人员做得更好。需要指出的是,在运营环境出现问题,通常首先会怀疑软件问题,为了澄清问题和免除责任,软件文档必须清晰明了。

    c) 在开始运维需要进行系统改进时,良好的文档可以在现场进行有效的重设计、更新和改装。如果没有文档,通常必须废弃整个现有的操作软件框架,即使只进行相对较小的更改。



At this point, it is appropriate to raise the issue of - “how much documentation?” My own view is “quite a lot;” certainly more than most programmers, analysts, or program designers are willing to do if left to their own devices. The first rule of managing software development is ruthless enforcement of documentation requirements. Occasionally, I am called upon to review the progress of other software design efforts. My first step is to investigate the state of the documentation. If the documentation is in serious default, my first recommendation is simple: Replace project management. Stop all activities not related to documentation. Bring the documentation up to acceptable standards. Management of software is simply impossible without a very high degree of documentation. As an example, let me offer the following estimates for comparison: In order to procure a 5 million dollar hardware device, I would expect that a 30-page specification would provide adequate detail to control the procurement. In order to procure 5 million dollars of software, I would estimate 1,100-page specification is about right in order to achieve comparable control.

Why so much documentation?

  1. Each designer must communicate with interfacing designers, with his management, and possibly with the customer. A verbal record is too intangible to provide an adequate basis for an interface or management decision. An acceptable written description forces the designer to take an unequivocal position and provide tangible evidence of completion. It prevents the designer from hiding behind the “I am 90 percent finished” syndrome month after month.

  2. During the early phase of software development, the documentation is the specification and is the design. Until coding begins, these three nouns (documentation, specification, design) denote a single thing. If the documentation is bad, the design is bad. If the documentation does not yet exist, there is as yet no design, only people thinking and talking about the design, which is of some value, but not much.

  3. The real monetary value of good documentation begins downstream in the development process, during the testing phase, and continues through operations and redesign. The value of documentation can be described in terms of three concrete, tangible situations that every program manager faces:

    a) During the testing phase, with good documentation, the manager can concentrate personnel on the mistakes in the program. Without good documentation, every mistake, large or small, is analyzed by one man who probably made the mistake in the first place because he is the only man who understands the program area.

    b) During the operational phase, with good documentation, the manager can use operation-oriented personnel to operate the program and to do a better job, cheaper. Without good documentation, the software must be operated by those who built it. Generally, these people are relatively disinterested in operations and do not do as effective a job as operations-oriented personnel. It should be pointed out in this connection that in an operational situation, if there is some hang-up, the software is always blamed first, in order either to absolve the software or to fix the blame; the software documentation must speak clearly.

    c) Following initial operations, when system improvements are in order, good documentation permits effective redesign, updating, and retrofitting in the field. If documentation does not exist, generally the entire existing framework of operating software must be junked, even for relatively modest changes.

Figure 6 shows a documentation plan that is keyed to the steps previously shown. Note that six documents are produced and at the time of delivery of the final product, Documents No. 1, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, and No. 6 are updated and current.





After documentation, the second most important criterion for success revolves around whether the product is totally original. If the computer program in question is being developed for the first time, arrange matters so that the version finally delivered to the customer for operational deployment is actually the second version insofar as critical design/operations areas are concerned. Figure 7 illustrates how this might be carried out by means of a simulation. Note that it is simply the entire process done in miniature, to a time scale that is relatively small with respect to the overall effort. The nature of this effort can vary widely depending primarily on the overall time scale and the nature of the critical problem areas to be modeled. If the effort runs 30 months, then this early development of a pilot model might be scheduled for 10 months. For this schedule, fairly formal controls, documentation procedures, etc., can be utilized. If, however, the overall effort were reduced to 12 months, then the pilot effort could be compressed to three months perhaps, in order to gain sufficient leverage on the mainline development. In this case, a very special kind of broad competence is required on the part of the personnel involved. They must have an intuitive feel for analysis, coding, and program design. They must quickly sense the trouble spots in the design, model them, model their alternatives, forget the straightforward aspects of the design which aren’t worth studying at this early point, and finally arrive at an error-free program. In either case, the point of all this, as with a simulation, is that questions of timing, storage, etc., which are otherwise matters of judgment, can now be studied with precision. Without this simulation, the project manager is at the mercy of human judgment. With the simulation, he can at least perform experimental tests of some key hypotheses and scope down what remains for human judgment, which in the area of computer program design (as in the estimation of takeoff gross weight, costs to complete, or the daily double) is invariably and seriously optimistic.






  1. 测试过程的许多方面最好由测试专家处理,这些专家可能没有参与最初的设计。如果有人主张只有设计者才能进行彻底的测试,因为只有他们能理解他们构建的领域,这很可能表明文档记录不足。通过良好的文档记录,可以聘请软件产品保证方面的专家,我认为他们能够比设计者更有效地进行测试。
  2. 大多数错误都是明显的,可以通过目视检查轻松发现。每一部分分析和每一部分代码都应该由没有参与原始分析或编码的第三方进行简单的目视检查,以发现问题,比如遗漏的负号、遗漏的乘以二的因子、跳转到错误地址等。这类似于对分析和代码进行校对。避免使用计算机来检测这些类型的错误,因为这可能代价高昂。
  3. 至少用某种形式的数值验证测试计算机程序中的每一逻辑路径一次。如果我是客户,我不会在此程序完成和获得认证之前接受交付。这一步将揭示大多数编码错误。尽管这种测试程序听起来很简单,但对于大型复杂的计算机程序,使用受控输入值详细检查每个逻辑路径可能会很具挑战性。有些人甚至可能会认为这几乎是不可能的。尽管如此,我仍然强烈建议对每个逻辑路径进行至少一次彻底的验证。
  4. 在消除简单错误(它们构成大多数,通常掩盖了重大错误)之后,是时候将软件交给测试团队进行全面验证了。在开发过程中的适当时机,并在合适的人员监督下,计算机本身是进行验证的最有效工具。关键的管理决策包括确定适当的时间和适当的人员来进行最终验证。


Without question, the most significant consumer of project resources, be it manpower, computer time, or management judgment, is the testing phase. It represents the phase with the highest risk in terms of costs and schedule. It occurs at the latest stage in the schedule when backup alternatives are least available, if available at all.

The previous three recommendations to design the program before starting analysis and coding, to fully document it, and to construct a pilot model all aim to identify and resolve issues before entering the testing phase. Nevertheless, even after implementing these measures, a testing phase remains, and there are still critical tasks to perform. Figure 8 outlines some additional aspects of testing.

In planning for testing, I would suggest the following considerations:

  1. Many aspects of the testing process are best handled by testing specialists who may not have been involved in the initial design. If it is argued that only the designer can conduct a thorough test because they alone understand the area they built, this likely indicates a failure to document adequately. With proper documentation, it is feasible to employ specialists in software product assurance who, in my opinion, can perform testing more effectively than the designer.
  2. Most errors are of an obvious nature and can be easily detected through visual inspection. Every piece of analysis and every section of code should undergo a simple visual review by a third party who was not involved in the original analysis or coding but can identify issues like missing minus signs, missing factors of two, jumps to incorrect addresses, etc. This is akin to proofreading the analysis and code. Avoid using the computer to detect these types of errors as it can be costly.
  3. Test every logical pathway in the computer program at least once with some form of numerical validation. If I were a customer, I would not accept delivery until this procedure was completed and certified. This step will uncover the majority of coding errors. While this testing procedure may sound simple, for a large, complex computer program, thoroughly checking every logical pathway with controlled input values can be challenging. Some may even argue it’s nearly impossible. Nevertheless, I would strongly recommend subjecting every logical pathway to at least one rigorous validation.
  4. After eliminating the simple errors (which constitute the majority and often obscure major mistakes), it’s time to hand over the software to the testing team for comprehensive verification. At the appropriate point during the development process and under the supervision of the right individual, the computer itself is the most effective tool for verification. Key management decisions include determining when the right time is and who the right person is to conduct the final verification.





For some reason, the exact functionality of a software design can be subject to wide interpretation even after previous agreement. It is crucial to formally involve the customer to ensure their commitment at earlier stages before final delivery. Allowing the contractor unrestricted control between defining requirements and operation is an invitation to problems. Figure 9 highlights three points following the definition of requirements where the insight, judgment, and commitment of the customer can enhance the development effort.





Figure 10 provides a summary of the five steps that I believe are necessary to transform a risky development process into one that will deliver the desired product. I want to emphasize that each of these steps comes with an associated cost. If a relatively simpler process, without the five complexities described here, were to work successfully, then, of course, the additional expenditure may not be justified. However, in my experience, the simpler method has never proven effective in large software development endeavors, and the expenses required to recover from failures far exceed the costs of implementing the five-step process outlined.



误解1 Royce定义并推荐瀑布模型


误解2 瀑布没有敏捷思想


  1. 对程序进行预先设计
  2. 设计文档化
  3. 做两次
  4. 计划、控制和监督测试
  5. 让客户参与









那么Winston W. Royce敏捷吗?当然不是,但他对如何改进软件开发有了一些非常好的想法,其中有一些已经比较“敏捷”。但事实上我们大多数人以前从未听说过这些。


从国外的一个博客上看到了这样的一个无从考证的谣言。当时美国国防部的某个人被安排了寻找新的软件开发方法来开发新系统的任务。他看到了Winston W. Royce的论文并阅读了第一页并看到使用图形描述的我们所熟知的“瀑布”模型。由于它简单并看起来不错,继续对流程进行了补充,但实际他并没有阅读流程缺陷和建议的增强功能部分。

不管谣言与否,我觉得Winston W. Royce从最开始就被误解了。虽然经历几十年瀑布开发模型已经不占主导,但追根溯源去了解最原始的瀑布也是有益的,有助于我们深入了解软件开发方法的演进,理解软件开发模型的本源。

